Madison Lintz, an American kid actress and popular television model who made her name due to her role in the Walking Dead's horror-drama, The Walking Dead. Madison became well known as a child performer during the year 2010 due to her performance in the television show The Walking Dead. This role earned Madison an award nomination for the Young Artist Award under the category of Best Performance by an actor in a TV Series, Supporting Young Actress. Madison's mother is an actress which meant she was exposed as a child to showbusiness. The actress was first introduced to the world of acting by her mom when she was just 6. Literally growing up in front of the camera it took no time for her to blossom into a confident performer. Her career began by working on commercials. Her first notoriety when one of the commercials for a national Golden Corral commercial was broadcast throughout the United States. The role she was given was Sophia, a character in The Walking Dead when she was...